Conversations of significance (coming out)
“So me and my mum came out to each other!”
“I realised the things that made me identify as one or the other, were inherently really sexist“
“I don’t really mind what pronouns people use. I normally put ‘they’ on my sticker, because it’s easier than writing ‘whatever takes your fancy!”
“I went to quite a religious school where it wasn’t really acceptable to talk about being gay”
“I talk to most of my friends. Quite a lot of them are queer, so it’s fine. Then the ones that aren’t, I try and talk to them and they ignore me”
“My dad’s side of the family is actually Muslim and I haven’t come out to them”
“That’s just how they are, so I’m quite happy. It went as well as it could do I think”
“I haven’t worked it out. How do you come out to your mum?”