“I talk to most of my friends. Quite a lot of them are queer, so it’s fine. Then the ones that aren’t, I try and talk to them and they ignore me”


I do not talk to my family, that has not happened yet.

It’s going to happen before I graduate from uni, because I want to change my name before I graduate, so it’s on my certificate.

But, I have not told them yet and that’s going to be interesting, because I do not have the best relationship with some of them.

My mum’s fine. I love my mum and my sister, but everyone else..  I’m like, ‘this isn’t going to be a good conversation.’

But yeah, I talk to most of my friends. Quite a lot of them are queer, so it’s fine. Then the ones who aren’t, I try and talk to them and they ignore me. So..

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