Guidance, advice and ideas for professionals working with young people who want to raise awareness of and explore LGBTQ+ issues.
The activities are suitable for youth workers and teachers working in a range of settings with young people aged 13+. They can be used to support professionals running LGBTQ+ youth groups, delivery of the Citizenship or PSHE Curriculum in school, or for general youth work.
There are nine resources organised under relevant themes that draw on the first hand experience of the young people that have contributed their voices and personal artwork to our queer youth archive. Alongside this, activities also make use of the rich and engaging heritage material collected by Queer in Brighton, encouraging young people to explore LGBTQ+ history.
Each resource includes a series of high-quality, creative activities using discussion, photography and creative writing. Users can work through the pages of this website or follow the links to download an easy to print version of each resource.

Today’s young people face a unique and complex set of pressures on their emotional and mental health unlike any other. Laws and society may have changed, but many of the young people that we worked with who identified as LGBTQ+ or were questioning their gender or sexual identity reported feeling isolated and emotionally vulnerable, and...

Many of the stories and much of the artwork contributed by young people to Into the Outside touches on issues with relationships of one kind or another – either with family, or other significant relationships. The activities here foster understanding of complex personal relationships, and the impact of difficult relationships, as well as help young...

How we represent ourselves and how others represent us - challenging conventions and stereotyping of LGBTQ+ (and other) identities are recurring themes for young people who constantly consider, experiment with and explore their individual and collective identity through youth culture, style and music in order to develop their own sense of identity. Download an easy to...

Needing to belong is an essential part of the human condition. Recognising where you belong, feeling part of a family, or connected to a community that accepts and understands you, and having a sense of belonging is part of developing a strong sense of identity. Download an easy to print version of this resource.

Here young people read the coming out stories written by young people from the Into the Outside Youth Collective. Then they write their own and share them with each other, allowing them to reflect on the experience of coming to terms with their own sexual identity, how it felt to be ready to share it...

Acceptance is a global issue that affects all kinds of people from cultures and backgrounds around the world. Accepting others’ choices - recognising and coming to terms with a situation without trying to protest or change it is very much about one’s ability to understand and empathise. Self acceptance is something most young people grapple...

Trans Pride Brighton celebrated its fifth anniversary this year with an ever-growing crowd celebrating gender diversity and promoting visibility of the trans community. National statistics identify trans children and young people as being particularly vulnerable, having to face higher levels of discrimination, and a range of daily challenges at school and beyond because so many...

The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries saw a number of key political moments for the LGBTQ community including the first Gay Pride marches, Section 28, the reduction of the age of consent, the Civil Partnership Act and the Equality Act. Engaging with LGBTQ+ history helps today’s young people find out about the lives and...

The young people who took part in the Into the Outside project had many conversations about language, terminology, and definitions. Whether or not each young person felt defining their sexual orientation or gender identity was important to them, having a choice, and appropriate pronouns to describe it should they want to, was considered to be...