Accepting Others’ Choices

(duration: 20-30 minutes)

This activity is designed for general youth settings where you may be unaware of how young people are making sense of many aspects of their developing identities. Be mindful of supporting how the group approaches this activity. Only undertake the activity if it feels safe for the group as a whole to undertake.

The purpose of the activity is to understand other people’s experiences and develop both awareness and empathy. It creates a safe space to discuss the significance of the issues involved, supports openness through dialogue and develops visual and emotional literacy.

This activity is best delivered directly after Understanding Others

Look at, Read, Listen to

1. The group is split into pairs. Each pair is given a sheet of paper and asked to split it into 4 quarters.

In the top left quarter write – ACCEPTED: HOW I FELT.

In the top right quarter write – NOT ACCEPTED: HOW I FELT.

In the lower left quarter write – ACCEPTED: WHAT THIS ENABLED ME TO DO.

In the lower right quarter write – ACCEPTED: WHAT THIS STOPPED ME DOING.

2. Ask each pair to write down all the things that someone who is accepted around their choices of sexual orientation or gender identity might feel. Then ask them to think about and add, all the things that this might enable them to do in their lives.

3. Ask each pair to write down all the things that someone who is not accepted around their choices of sexual orientation or gender identity might feel. Then ask them to think about all the things they might not be able to do in their lives.

4. If you have also completed Understanding Others, in pairs, or as a whole group, discuss whether there are similarities between these reflections and the personal sheets completed for Understanding Others.

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