“There are genuine points when I decide ‘Let’s pop this skirt on and let’s see the world!’”


Do you feel the way you dress accurately represents your identity? Is this relevant or important to you?

Actually yes, it is relevant and important to me.

But I don’t think it represents me. The reason is because the way I dress is the way I dress. It’s not the way anyone else dresses, wants me to dress, or thinks I should dress. It’s the way I want to dress.

I think personally, I can pull off a pretty good drag. I own a dress. I genuinely own a dress and there are genuine points when I decide ‘Let’s pop this skirt on and let’s see the world!’ and I do and I’m pretty comfortable with it. I cosplay as well, so the way I dress, that for me is weirdly representing another thing all together. Even so, that’s what I wear and that’s how I genuinely don’t care what other people think, because a lot of people are judging my clothing sense.

In secondary school I was always criticized for my trouser length. I had ankle swingers. Partially because we couldn’t afford normal trousers that stretched down to the bottom of my legs, because I had so many growth spurts. But also my arm lengths were too short and at that point then I stopped caring about what other people think, because everyone was ‘The trousers!! The sleeves? What is going on?’ I was kind of ‘What is going on? Do I care what you think?’

So I don’t. I don’t think it represents me and I feel like society should make it more accepting for everyone to wear exactly what they want, for whatever reason they want and whenever they want.

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