“I remember the one time I actually said to a group of people that I was straight and it was when I was really uncertain”


When I was younger, I never really thought about it. I was the annoying child that was quite boy crazy, so I always had that, but I never particularly…

I started wondering about it from about twelve/thirteen. It was more that I was worried that because I was wondering about it, it was then making me think that I was queer when I wasn’t and I just got quite confused with that.

I remember the one time I actually said to a group of people that I was straight and it was when I was really uncertain. I don’t know, we were discussing LGBTQ+ issues and I went ‘I’m straight but..’ then explained some issues and I was like, ‘Oh no! that was wrong, this isn’t right’ and so pretty much from then I was like, ‘I’m not straight’. So I identified as Bi from about fourteenish.

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