Allsorts Youth Project
Allsorts Youth Project is a project based in Brighton & Hove supporting and empowering children and young people under 26 who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, or are unsure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Allsorts offers face-to-face support and group work for children and young people, as well as providing LGBTQ+ awareness training for professionals and agencies. The Allsorts website includes a wealth of useful material and resources relating to LGTBQ+ children and young people.
Bullying UK
Bullying UK is part of Family Lives, a charity supporting parents/guardians to deal with the constant changes of family life. Bullying UK offers an anti-bullying helpline and online chat for parents/children/young people to discuss any issues they might be having. There’s also an LGBTQ+ section on their website containing information on coming out and supporting your child.
The Classroom
The Classroom offers teachers a range of resources to help LGBTQ+ community visibility within education. This includes free, user-friendly lesson plans that challenge homophobia/transphobia whilst encouraging equality and diversity.
Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH)
EACH is a charity for adults and young people affected by homophobia and transphobia. EACH provides one-to-one support for those experiencing homophobic/transphobic bullying and acts as a training agency for employers/organisations who support an equal and safe working environment.
The Equality Network (Scotland)
The Equality Network is a national charity working for LGBTQ+ equality and human rights within Scotland. The Equality Network website features a range of useful resources, news and events relating to the LGBTQ+ community.
Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)
GIRES’ purpose is to improve the lives of trans and gender non-conforming people, including those who are non-binary and non-gender. GIRES offers help and support to individuals, but also seeks to improve medical care, advise policy-makers and support educators; ultimately with the aim to improve the environment in which gender non-conforming people live.
Just Like Us
Just Like Us is a charity which sends recent LGBTQ+ school-leavers into schools to give talks and run workshops to combat homophobia and make schools better places for young LGBTQ+ pupils.
LGBT Archive
LGBT Archive is an encyclopedia that collates an archive of LGBTQ+ people, places, events, and organisations in the UK from the earliest times to the present day.
LGBT Brighton & Hove Network
LGBT Brighton & Hove Network is a support network promoting equality and inclusion within and between diverse groups. They aim to improve access to support services and have a directory of local LGBTQ+ services and groups on their website.
LGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation is a national charity that offers a range of services for LGBTQ+ communities. A wealth of support, advice and information can be found on their website.
LGBT History Month
February is LGBT History Month in the UK. However, with the help of organisation Schools OUT, LGBT History Month works to continually educate against prejudice with a year-round calendar of interactive events across the country.
LGBT Parents
LGBT Parents a social-network group connecting LGBT parents and parents-to-be. LGBT Parents provides support, advice and facilitates networking to allow families/children of similar circumstances to meet.
Mermaids seeks to support and empower children, young people and families dealing with gender issues. Mermaids campaign for the recognition of gender dysphoria in young people and look to make improvements in professional services.
The National Trans Youth Network (NTYN)
The National Trans Youth Network represents young transgender people across all areas of the UK. NTYN provides opportunities for young trans people, plans campaigns and supports the needs of trans people up to the age of 25 and also to those who work on their behalf in educational institutions.
Naz & Matt Foundation
The Naz and Matt Foundation exists to empower and support LGBTQ+ communities and their friends/families when they face challenges, particularly when heavily influenced by religion. The Naz & Matt Foundation hopes to advance education by creating an understanding of LGBTQ+ issues across all communities, cultures and religions.
NUS LGBT+ is a union that campaigns and exists to represent LGBT+ students and extend and defend their rights.
The Proud Trust (Manchester)
Manchester-based organisation, The Proud Trust, helps young LGBTQ+ people empower themselves to make a positive change for themselves and their communities. The Proud Trust delivers training, organises campaigns and undertakes research – their website also includes lots of useful resources.
PSHE Association
The PSHE Association is the national body for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, leading the effort to ensure every pupil receives high-quality teaching about important matters. The PSHE Association provides training, conferences and guidance to support local authorities.
Queer in Brighton
Queer in Brighton is a heritage learning project promoting the rich cultural life of the LGBTQ+ community in Brighton & Hove. Queer in Brighton run training sessions, exhibitions and events to inspire and celebrate the diversity of the city.
Regard is a national organisation for members of the LGBTQ+ community who self-identify as disabled. Regard aims to provide information, advice and support to LGBTQ+ disabled people, raise awareness and campaign on issues affecting disabled LGBTQ+ people and to combat social isolation among LGBTQ+ disabled people.
Schools OUT
Schools OUT is a membership-based organisation aiming to make schools and educational institutions safe and inclusive for LGBTQ+ communities – students and teachers alike. Schools OUT takes part in research, debate and curriculum development surrounding LGBTQ+ people and issues, dealing with the Department for Education, OFSTED and The Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Stonewall is the largest LGBTQ+ rights organisation in Europe. Its mission is to unite everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. Stonewall aims to empower individuals, transform institutions and change laws for the better. Stonewall also have a specific site for young people with advice about coming out, information on youth Pride events and general information regarding LGBTQ+ matters
The UK Pride Organisers Network (UKPON)
The UK Pride Organisers Network brings together the organisers of almost 100 LGBTQ+ Pride events from across the UK for networking, training, campaigning, workshops, conferences and representation. UKPON’s aim is to support the development of the Pride movement in the UK.
UK Trans Info
UK Trans Info is a national charity focused on improving the lives of trans and non-binary people in the UK. The charity aims to create a catalogue of resources (available through the website), campaign for trans/non-binary people’s rights and to promote openness within public sector organisations.