Text version

In this moment, right now as I’m writing this, I’m living a double life. There’s the me I am in this place, this town, where I can be open with everyone. No one bats and eyelid or knows any different. Here I am the superhero, cape and all, brave, fearless and free.

Then there’s’ the me I am at home. The Clarke Kent that’s afraid to take off the glasses, who’s heart races whenever such a topic is raised. I practice the words over and over in my head, but they get stuck somewhere on the way to my mouth. I’m the furthest I’ve ever been from a superhero, in fact I’m the one that needs saving. And what’s worse is that I don’t even know why.

In this moment, as I’m putting pen to paper exposing myself to you I think I’m ready. I’m ready to show the world, to yell it from the rooftops, to tell my parents. I’m finally ready to just be me.

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