“I think we need to have, globally, acceptance of everyone and unknown identities, unknown genders”


I feel like the majority of people nowadays are more accepting, but there are still people who aren’t accepting.

People who aren’t accepting tend to be a lot worse, so in places where you’re not accepted, it is much worse for the people who are “not normal”.

I think we need to have, globally, acceptance of everyone and unknown identities, unknown genders. I think everything should be accepted and no one should feel pressured.

I don’t know if it can be possible, I think as humans we like categories. We like people to be like , ‘oh you’re a female’ or, ‘you’re a male’, or ‘you’re this gender’. I think that we like categories and I understand it, so I do understand why people don’t like not knowing, or in ourselves why we don’t like not knowing, but I feel like it could be possible if we’re just all open minded enough.

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